Peg Lee's response to AFA presentation

The Northwest Suburbs Daily Herald, Wednesday January 21, 2015, on the front page, quoted Peg Lee: "What did we know, when did we know it? We knew it too late." And followed with "we need to hire three human resources employees to effectively track earnings limit". In the Journal and Topics on January 23 Technology VP Bonnie Lucas said "the college did not provide the wrong working limitations".

Barry Dayton's response to Peg
Peg, you have no one to blame but your own administration that you "knew it too late". The correct limits had been generated over a year earlier by HR and would have been available to chairs and deans when they made their staffing had HR sent them the correct information in a timely fashion. They would not have scheduled annuitants over their loads nor would these individuals been rehired this academic year after they went over the previous year. HR should have checked Fall hirings, even if they did not stop the hiring to take place they could have notified SURS rather than waiting for SURS to do the work and notify Oakton.

As for needing 3 new hires in HR? This amounts to 120 hours per annuitant. What will they be doing? We haven't been able to get a coherent answer. If they are going to hire someone it needs to be one person who knows what they are doing.

Bonnie's quote may be correct. Further investigation hints that this wrong list, or any other list, never got to those who needed it, so no one checked to see if annuitants had become affected. The Biss law requires that the college report affected annuitants in a timely manner and this failure is why the fines for hiring affected annuitants were doubled.