Oakton Community College Adjunct Faculty Association
The Spring membership meeting was held at North Branch Pizza in Glenview. Over 50 members and guests showed up.
Our IEA uniserve director Camille Grant was present and led a spirited discussion of the SURS annuitant issue. The membership unanimously approved the formation of an action committee to plan various actions, including possibly informational picketing, to convince the administration to change their stance on rehiring SURS annuitants. see our SURS annuitant page for further details. |
This page written by Cheryl Thayer, Grievance Chair, describes what to do if you think you have a grievance. |
The AFA office located in room 2470 Des Plaines will be open during the Spring 2015 semester on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11-2. You may stop by or call the office at 847-635-2193 any time and leave a message. Office Manager Cathy Willis will be happy to try to answer your questions about AFA and our contract or refer you to someone who can. If have or think you may have a grievance contact this office. If you have questions for the AFA you can also e-mail them to AFA officers will monitor this email address and forward your inquiry to the appropriate person. |
Here are the answers to your Frequently Asked Questions. All Oakton part-time faculty should read this. New adjunct faculty should check out the web page by full timer Paul Boisvert with loads of information. Continuing faculty may find this helpful also. |
The full text of the 20013-2017 OAKTON-AFA contract is here in PDF format (630KB). Several Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) and a Memorandum from the Academic Council have been approved by the Administration and the Board. These are not changes in the contract but are agreements on how the contract will be administered. You can view or download these here (PDF): MOU on Selecting Affiliated Adjuncts, MOU on Maximum Summer Loads and Memo on Orientation Pay |
An appendix to the history chronicles the 2013 struggle to protect adjuncts at Oakton from losing hours to prevent them from being entitled to health care. As a result of the contract negotiated a few adjuncts were allowed to keep most of their hours and also receive the same health care offered to Oakton full time faculty and staff. A 2009 article in the Chronicle of Higher Education about Oakton adjuncts has become a classic. It was recently republished in March 2015 as part of the Chronicle's coverage of National Adjunct Walkout Day. |
Most Recent May 2015 April 2015| March 2015 | February 2015 | January 2015 December 2014 | November 2014 | October 2014 | September 2014 | August 2014 | April 2014 | March 2014 | February 2014 | January 2014 12-1-13 | 11-1-13 | 10-1-13 | 9-2-13 | 5-1-13 | 4-1-13 | 3-4-13 | 2-1-13 | 1-14-13 11-30-12 | 11-12-12 | 10-1-12 | 9-1-12 | 3-26-12 Special | 3-1-12 | 3-4-12 Special | 2-1-12 | 1-8-12 12-01-11| 11-1-11 | 10-2-11 | 8-28-11 | 4-27-11 | 4-6-11 | 2-28-11 | 1-26-11 11-16-10 | 9-28-10 | 8-27-10 | 4-6-10 | 2-22-10 | 1-26-10 11-17-09 | 10-1-09 | 8-28-09 | 5-1-09 | 3-11-09 | 2-1-09 12-1-08 | 10-28-08 | 9-29-08 | 8-25-08 |
Illinois Education Association | National Education Association Roosevelt Adjunct Faculty Association | College of Dupage Adjuncts Association Part Time Faculty Association of Columbia College | Harper College Adjunct Faculty Association OCCFA (Oakton Full Time Faculty Union) |
OCC Adjunct Faculty Association IEA/NEA
Oakton Community College
Des Plaines, Skokie